Case study

E-Commerce for natural cosmetics

No more active
2023 February - June

In collaboration with: Konstanze Druyen (copywriting)

Web Development
Web Design
Power oil of damruta client dermaperfectum® - highly effective and extremely nourishing oil


dermaperfectum® offers natural skincare solutions, founded by Dr. med. Evelin Fuhr, an established dermatologist since 2001. Her extensive expertise led to the creation of three chemical-free cosmetic lines for troubled skin. Though Evelin's products are exceptional, her website didn't fully convey her story, lacking the desired light, clarity, and freshness. Evelin entrusted me with the website's redesign and e-commerce development.

The process

We began by discussing the client's vision, identifying necessary improvements and gaps in the previous website. After finalising the color scheme and fonts, I embarked on crafting mockups using Figma. The choice of an elegant font for headings brought a touch of refinement, while strategic use of white space and sparing use of pink added subtlety. Once the mockups were ready, I seamlessly translated them into a fully functional Webflow website. My responsibilities included content management, image selection and editing, and SEO. I introduced captivating slide-in animations for a dynamic touch and configured e-commerce functionality with product sorting by both feature and price.

First font preview used for dermaperfectum project
Second font preview used for dermaperfectum project
blurred light blue and green background
dermaperfectum® project preview on desktop and mobile
Compilation of dermaperfectum® shop screenshots


The most demanding phase was configuring the e-commerce functionality. This project marked my first endeavour into building an e-commerce website using Webflow, requiring careful consideration of various factors. I configured all customer email notifications, established the list of countries for product sales, and seamlessly integrated Webflow with an external invoicing solution known as PamBill. Following in-person training at the client's office, the online store was successfully launched.

Hear whatclient says

Dermaperfectum logo in white
Sep 2023

Dr. med. Evelin Fuhr

Dermatologist and natural cosmetics shop owner

I placed complete confidence in Ruta's ability to handle my project. Her design expertise surpassed my expectations, she brought brightness and structure to my website which I highly appreciate. Her in-person training proved highly efficient, and once the shop went live, my team and I had no remaining questions about order management. Ruta's dedication and hard work are evident in the remarkable results of this project. I couldn't be more pleased!

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